Lebanese Republic
22 January 2025
Tourism for all project in Lebanon: A new approach towards an inclusive socio economic Development for person with disabilities
Partner:European Network for Accessible Tourism (ENAT)
Budget: 500 000 Euro
CSO: Lebanese Physical Handicapped Union (LPHU)
Duration: 24 Months
Sectors of intervention: Socio economic development and Reform
Targeted Groups: Marginalized Groups
Project status: On-going

This project aims at promoting the role of the tourism sector as a central socio-economic development asset toward the systematic adoption of the practice of disability inclusion in Lebanon.  Specific objectives:  1-enhance the national partnership between all essential stakeholders toward creating necessary policies and regulations to adopt the culture of inclusive tourism 2-  provide all necessary assets to creating pilot projects in different relevant regions that are based on the practice of inclusion and accessibility through the touristic sector  3- provide the necessary mechanisms for maintaining an inclusive touristic environment through the empowerment  of disabled women and men, including youth, as active partners in the process of the socio economic development in the country

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