Lebanese Republic
22 January 2025
Designing and managing projects for civil society organizations
Issue Date: November 2019
Type: Book

In the framework of the publications issued by AFKAR program, the handbook entitled “Designing and Managing projects for civil society organizations” introduced techniques aiming to build civil society organizations, which includes specialized societies, academic organisms and media organizations.

Guiding steps towards policy dialogue manual
Issue Date: November 2019
Type: Book

In the framework of the publications issued by AFKAR program, the manual entitled “Guiding steps towards policy dialogue” highlighted the techniques conducting to the success and sustainability of dialogue and partnership between the public and civil society sectors.

AFKAR 3: Sharing best practices and learnings
Issue Date: May 2019
Type: Book

AFKAR 3: best practices and lessons learned

In the framework of promoting good governance practices in NGO management, AFKAR program produced a set of practical publications, in collaboration with specialized experts. These publications were the result of  more than two years of training sessions, targeting civil society organizations, as well as representatives of ministries and municipalities. AFKAR team summarized his experience, shared best practices and lessons learned, and detailed the steps taken to solve the emerging gaps within the projects.

The english booklet, entitled "AFKAR 3 Sharing Best practices and Learnings", clarified AFKAR 3 program role in providing technical support to civil society organizations during the implementation of their programs and in strengthening their capacities, as well as government employees involved in the training. The publication covered three topics. The first is a detailed explanation of the civil society organizations reality in Lebanon and their orientations, regarding services, advocacy, and participation in the formulation of public policies. The second part presented the challenges faced by these organizations at the internal organizational level and in terms of cooperation with the stakeholders, especially in reaching the policy makers. The booklet also expanded, in part three, the lessons learned from Afkar 3. This section focused on the importance of monitoring and evaluation, conclusions and lessons learned in project follow-up. It pointed to the necessity to take into consideration the experiences, the processes adopted and highlighted the successful practices, as an essential part of addressing the issue of information and organizations awareness. It also stressed on the importance of measuring the impact expected from the beginning of the project and beyond.

The publication warned against resorting to project experts in the organizations, during the preparation phase, based on their own experiences, without taking into consideration the field reality and the stakeholders role. Therefore, this situation leads to difficulties on the level of feasibility and impact. The booklet pointed to the lack of interest shown by organizations generally in the follow-up and evaluation fields. It recommended the compatibility and complementarity of the various documents of the project, taking into account the logical framework at all steps. As well, it suggested a balance in the team members distribution tasks.

Regarding cooperation, building partnerships and alliances, the relations between the organizations themselves and the local authorities in particular should be strengthened in order to avoid lacks and problems, aiming to ensure the sustainability of the projects and encouraging the adoption of memorandums of understanding.

In terms of capacity building, the booklet stressed on the importance of the participatory approach in the preparation phase, through trainings with various stakeholders from civil, governmental and municipal organizations.

Among the recommendations and observations emanating from field visits and monitoring, the manual, prepared by Transtec experts, suggested on evaluation committees to extend the field visits evaluation process, before signing any project, in order to identify the weaknesses and the accurate elements requesting follow-up. It pointed to the necessity to assess technical resources by highlighting the issues of governance and management, both financially, organizationally, and on human resources level, as well as highlighting partnerships and coordination ways. Besides, it focused on the central role of local groups and rights holders.

AFKAR a story of success
Issue Date: December 2018
Type: Magazine

 AFKAR a story of success.

AFKAR and the opened horizons
Issue Date: November 2018
Type: Magazine

In its second edition, the AFKAR 3 newsletter highlights the most relevant results of the program during the projects implementation. Some important achievements are:

- Developing a strategy on policy dialogue between the public sector and the civil society.
- Building a partnership platform and drafting a partnership charter between the two parties.
- Issuing a training manual on policy dialogue and another on institutions management.
Besides, the publication analyzes the impact of the implementation of 13 NGO projects on communities and target groups. The activities covered by the program include follow-up, workshops, trainings, and press releases (coverage, written and electronic publications).

About AFKAR the model and the bridge
Issue Date: August 2018
Type: Magazine

AFKAR newsletter highlighted the orientations and activities of the program.

It included an editorial written by the Minister of State for Administrative Reform, Dr. Ezzeddine, entitled "Towards a partnership charter between the public sector and the civil society".

In the article, "About AFKAR, the model and the bridge," the newsletter focused on the program pilot role during 14 years.

Other topics were characterized by the introduction of funded projects implemented by civil society organizations and the presentation of activities and results.

Some may wonder about the usefulness of setting up discussion groups where representatives from the civil society participate in order to talk about sensitive topics, changing in their course leads to diverse problems. Others may go further in doubting and fear what is called elitism in this kind of activity. The justification of these two positions is summarized by the hidden desire to reach, in a shortest time, complete solutions and tangible results for any activity, especially when it tries to promote the concept of the State of Law and Citizenship, and to encourage dialogue away from violence and discrimination.

The Office of the Minister of State for Administrative Reform have organized, between January 2008 and April 2009, eight round tables or dialogue workshops, planned by Emergence European Society, and falling under Afkar 2** program. During these workshops, discussions took place about substantive issues strongly related to the spirit of the program itself, in one hand, and to the interests of the Lebanese Civil Society and its organizations, in the other hand. These workshops succeed to attract more than 300 participants despite security and political hard situations that were encompassing. Seminars were covered successively by media and posted on AFKAR 2 program website

AFKAR - a dialogue and partnership program
Issue Date: September 2017
Source: AFKAR1
Type: Book

This book presents the projects funded by Afkar 1 in general , in addition to  the main findings of this program  and the associations concerned .

AFKAR- a space for reunion and dialogue
Issue Date: September 2017
Source: AFKAR II
Type: Magazine
AFKAR - the dialogue of life
Issue Date: September 2017
Source: AFKAR II
Type: Magazine
On the threshold of AFKAR III
Issue Date: September 2017
Source: AFKAR II
Type: Magazine
The impact and the changing concept
Issue Date: September 2017
Source: AFKAR II
Type: Magazine
The Lebanese civil society -issues and perspectives
Issue Date: September 2017
Source: AFKAR II
Type: Book

Some may wonder about the usefulness of setting up discussion groups where representatives from the civil society participate in order to talk about sensitive topics, changing in their course leads to diverse problems. Others may go further in doubting and fear what is called elitism in this kind of activity. The justification of these two positions is summarized by the hidden desire to reach, in a shortest time, complete solutions and tangible results for any activity, especially when it tries to promote the concept of the State of Law and Citizenship, and to encourage dialogue away from violence and discrimination.

The Office of the Minister of State for Administrative Reform have organized, between January 2008 and April 2009, eight round tables or dialogue workshops, planned by Emergence European Society, and falling under Afkar 2** program. During these workshops, discussions took place about substantive issues strongly related to the spirit of the program itself, in one hand, and to the interests of the Lebanese Civil Society and its organizations, in the other hand. These workshops succeed to attract more than 300 participants despite security and political hard situations that were encompassing. Seminars were covered successively by media and posted on AFKAR 2 program website

Afkar II trainings:Financial management
Issue Date: December 2009
Source: AFKAR II
Type: Book

Practical Guides linked to trainings - Afkar II

Afkar II trainings: Conception de projets et cadre logique
Issue Date: December 2009
Source: AFKAR II
Type: Book
Afkar II trainings: Concept et Besoins
Issue Date: December 2009
Source: AFKAR II
Type: Book

Group Dynamics - Afkar II

Afkar II trainings: La gestion du temps
Issue Date: December 2009
Source: AFKAR II
Type: Book
Afkar II trainings-Le travail auprès des enfants
Issue Date: December 2009
Source: AFKAR II
Type: Book
Suivi, évaluation et capitalisation de projets-Afkar II
Issue Date: December 2009
Source: AFKAR II
Type: Book

Suivi, evaluation et capitalisation de projets

Afkar II trainings:Travail des volontaires
Issue Date: December 2009
Source: AFKAR II
Type: Book
Les ONG au Liban : réalités et perspectives
Issue Date: November 2006
Source: AFKAR1
Type: Book

Le programme AFKAR pour le renforcement de la société civile libanaise constitue une nouvelle étape dans le parcours du travail administratif et du travail de développement du Bureau du Ministre d’Etat pour la Réforme Administrative. Financé par un don de l’Union européenne, ce programme a établi des liens solides entre les secteurs public et associatif, tout en posant la pierre angulaire d’un véritable partenariat entre deux pôles du développement et de la réforme.

Le succès de ce programme, qui a financé et suivi les projets présentés par 16 ONG, est dû au fait qu’il a inclus deux dimensions : une administrative basée sur la distribution des subventions selon des conditions et des procédures standard, et une autre relative au développement, à la pensée et à l’être humain, qui a encouragé les initiatives des ONG libanaises actives dans le domaine des droits de l’homme et du citoyen.

Le soutien apporté par le programme AFKAR ne s’est pas limité uniquement aux domaines financier (subventions) et technique (suivi de la période d’exécution, formations contribuant au renforcement des capacités des ONG dans la gestion des projets et des ressources humaines ainsi que l’adoption

des techniques de communication et de formation de réseaux), mais a également réussi à créer un espace de dialogue, d’interaction et d’échange d’expériences et de connaissances entre les différentes composantes de la société civile libanaise à travers des tables rondes thématiques.

Après avoir joué un rôle actif dans l’organisation de ces activités à la fois théoriques et pratiques, l’ONG européenne Emergences a rassemblé les actes de ces tables rondes dans un seul livre

AFKAR I trainings - Networking, lobbying and advocacy
Issue Date: September 2006
Source: AFKAR1
Type: Book

This practical guide's overall objective aims at helping NGOs in better understanding the concepts of networking, lobbying and advocacy, increasing their competences in initiating actions towards building networks, undertaking lobbying activities and planning advocacy campaigns.

This practical guide covers the main elements of communication and their practical applications while planning a communication campaign, negotiating an agreement or being engaged in a dialogue with people, organizations or communities.

The objective of this guide is to provide Lebanese Civil Society Organisations with a set of tools that help identify the main steps necessary for smooth preparation of project proposals and a sound management of awarded projects.

Afkar I trainings - Organizational Management
Issue Date: September 2006
Source: AFKAR1
Type: Book

What is the mission of your organization? The strategy of your organization will have to be defined.

All rights reserved - AFKAR 2017